
Overview of national policies and practice in six member states related to alcohol, young people, marketing and sport

The aim of the WP5 was to determine the status quo of the policies and practices to reduce heavy episodic drinking related to under age people, alcohol and sport at national level. This report presents the findings from the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of experts from sport settings across the countries, and from the health prevention area on alcohol consumption and alcohol related harms and sports and youth. This also provides insights on the perceived obstacles to promote strategies aimed at reducing alcohol related harm with a special focus on youth drinking. This has been useful in providing a description of laws and regulations and attitudes for managing alcohol-related harms to young people in sports setting. Furthermore, it has helped to identify areas that require development. It also highlights examples of good practice and, at the country level between different stakeholders particularly on prevention of alcohol related harms within sporting settings.


co-funded by health programme

co-funded by health programme

co-funded by Scottish Government

Co-funded by the Scottish Government

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