Mon 10 Feb 2020

FYFA project moves forward

FYFA project that started in autumn 2017 is concluding its final pieces of work and planning to publish the latest findings from local level soon. The final conference will take place in spring 2020.

So far, we have looked into international policies and practices relating to young people, alcohol and international sport and gathered examples of best practices. We held discussions with high-level stakeholders, representatives of sports associations to find out where alcohol stands within these settings. Clearly, there is a lack of legally binding regulation on international level which mostly relies on self-regulation and emphasis on safety of people within sporting facilities.

In 2019, we have done research on the national level in Slovenia, Belgium, Italy, United Kingdom, Poland and Finland aiming to determine the status quo of the policies and practices to reduce heavy episodic drinking related to underage people, alcohol and sport. We are glad to present the findings on the knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of experts from sport settings across these countries, and from the health prevention area on alcohol consumption, sports and youth. Interestingly, situation among countries is rather similar with overall low levels of knowledge and implementation of preventative measures in sports settings.

Lately, we have already carried out interviews with club managers and young players to better understand their attitudes towards these topics. The finding will soon be available to the public. In 2019 also filming of football juniors took place in Scotland, Finland and Poland. The aim of the videos was to engage young people, who are involved in sports, in a debate on alcohol and to give a voice to them that will be presented to policy makers. We have managed to capture young people’s opinions and thoughts on alcohol and sport and will be sharing them with you in the upcoming months.

FYFA project results are by no means fully representative of the countries that participated but allow to capture a snapshot of views and policies around the topic of youth, sport and alcohol.


co-funded by health programme

co-funded by health programme

co-funded by Scottish Government

Co-funded by the Scottish Government

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