
Related video

Filmy FYFA w języku polskim lub z polskimi napisami (FYFA videos in Polish or with Polish subtitles)

FYFA videos summarise the interviews with young people conducted in Finland, Poland and the UK about young people's exposure to alcohol marketing, their attitudes and behaviours in relation to alcohol and what they consider to be effective practice to reduce alcohol harm.

Clubs that took part in FYFA project from Poland were: Football club Polonia and  Football club MUKS PRAGA

Filmy FYFA podsumowują wywiady z młodymi ludźmi przeprowadzone w Finlandii, Polsce i Wielkiej Brytanii na temat narażenia młodych ludzi na marketing alkoholowy, ich postaw i zachowań w odniesieniu do alkoholu oraz tego, co uważają za skuteczną praktykę zmniejszania szkodliwości alkoholu.

Go to the playlist on youtube


co-funded by health programme

co-funded by health programme

co-funded by Scottish Government

Co-funded by the Scottish Government

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